Our Cases

Inclusion of Marginalized Groups in Media

The traditional media, both locally and regionally, have engaged with marginalized groups only within narrow confines, often limiting their portrayal to a continuous feed that either emphasizes their suffering or inflates their success stories. This is part of a classic editorial strategy that oscillates between sympathy and sensationalism. We have decided to challenge this approach by actively involving marginalized groups in the management of media institutions and content creation. ShizoMedia, as an independent media platform, is one of the pioneers in integrating media talents from underserved communities, including refugees, people with disabilities, and other groups traditionally excluded from this industry. We believe that enhancing their presence on screen, in newsrooms, and in writing and technical workshops fosters a rich reservoir of knowledge and humanity, capable of producing content that is more human-centric and sensitive to untold stories—stories that are often overlooked by social media algorithms.

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