Sharhabeel Bin Humam

The Sharhabil platform aims to raise awareness and engage with environmental and climate change issues in the Arab world. By utilizing social media platforms, the platform provides content designed to encourage the community to adopt sustainable decisions and highlights environmental challenges and water scarcity in the region.

About the Personality

Sharhabil bin Hammam al-Saba’i is a fictional character inspired by ancient Yemen. He lived between 608-575 BCE and warned of the impending disaster of the Marib Dam collapse, which occurred in 575 CE and led to an environmental catastrophe and mass migration. Today, Sharhabil is resurrected as a social reformer using social media platforms to raise awareness and engage with environmental issues. He critiques decision-makers and companies that do not adhere to green economy standards. Sharhabil is distinguished by his commitment to traditional attire, proficiency in Arabic and various dialects, and his openness to humanity without following any particular sect.

You can access the platform's Facebook page by clicking here

You can access the platform's Instagram account by clicking here
